A testimonial from Barbara P.
I've been diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, type II Diabetes, Ankylosing Spondylitis (a spine and joint condition), CMT-X (a neurological disorder), non-alcoholic fatty liver, and other auto immune disorders that controlled my life and weakened my body both physically and emotionally. I was not able to get a decent night's sleep and was too easily stressed and constantly feeling overwhelmed.
I had tried many different avenues to alleviate these issues including prescription drugs, over the counter drugs and supplements.
Erin came into my life at just the right time, when I was feeling I had nowhere to turn. I knew that taking prescriptions that were causing even more symptoms was just not the right answer for me. I knew that the holistic approach was the way to go but did not have a clue as to what was truly wrong with me.
Erin asked a lot of questions and listened to all my answers. Taking all of my responses into account, she introduced me to a way of eating, which I never, ever would have considered on my own. Now's it's like "duh--of course, silly; it's just the right first step to change your whole outlook on life, that's all!" And she helped me though the beginnings of a badly needed detoxification process that I could never have figured out on my own.
I would never have learned from the "medical model" all of the issues that truly needed correcting and that had led me to the mess I was in. The medical model was actually making it worse.
I was guided by Erin using a wellness model that would benefit me physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. Besides eating to live healthfully, this program included how to safely exercise and how to properly manage environmental and emotional stress. I learned many healthful and easy methods that were unknown to me to bring back my health.
What I loved most about working with Erin is that she is always positive and supportive and open to dialoguing about the possible real causes behind my auto immune disorders and diseases. She's an excellent bell ringer when things are going great and an excellent cheerleader when encouragement is needed. She responds quickly to emergency messages and texts.
With The Whole Health Project I was able to say good bye to the following symptoms:
• Bloating
• Hiatal hernia
• Constipation
• An inability to lose weight
• Skin issues
• Food cravings
• Poor sleep
• Chronic injuries and fatigue
• An inability to gain muscle
• Mood swings
• Joint and muscle pain
• Constant soreness
Because of The Whole Health Project I have safely and naturally lost 20 lbs in 3 months and, based on my healthier diet and lifestyle, I see no reason why I would ever gain it back. I don't crave the "forbidden" foods anymore. I actually eat more food now than I did before, but its healthier food and I can really feel the benefits from it. I can tell that my body is actually receiving the nutrients that I ingest.
My muscles feel stronger than they have in the last 2 decades. I'm no longer exhausted doing daily tasks. My neurologist is amazed at how I now easily pass strength and flex tests, which in the past, I failed miserably. And that was just within the first month of my new lifestyle.
I was sleeping 4 to 5 hours a night with 6 hour nights on rare occasions. Now that 6 hour sleep is easily achievable and I average 7 hours.
If you are wondering if The Whole Health Project is worth the investment I would say only if you want to alleviate the chronic health issues that have been plaguing your life and get into a much healthier state of being.
A testimonial from Falene P.
I had Leaky Gut Syndrome and weight gain and I couldn't find a Doctor or a solution that allowed me to get healthy and everyone just wanted to give me medications to cover symptoms and not fix my actual health problems.
I had tried many different things including: prescription drugs, over the counter drugs, supplements and various diets to try to alleviate my health conditions on my own.
What I love most about The Whole Health Project is that it is tailored to you and your specific needs and wants.
What I loved most about working with Erin Thole is that she is there for you whenever you need her! She's got tons of ideas when things don't seem to be straight forward and she introduces you to lots of resources and knowledge. She brought together various aspects I had a hard time connecting on my own.
With The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole I was able to say good bye to:
excess weight
skin issues
poor sleep
food cravings
digestive issues.
My life and health are better today because of The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole because I feel like I have the tools I need to accomplish my heath goals.
If you've been frustrated with not getting results from the medical world and you don't just want to take a prescription to hide your symptoms then this is the program for you! The Whole Health Project educates you with resources to heal yourself by eating right and listening to your body.
A testimonial from Sabra L.
I was vegan, and was health conscious so I didn't understand why I wasn't feeling as good as I should according to my lifestyle and everything that I knew about health and nutrition. I was tired, bloated and having digestive issues and had a history of anxiety.
I had tried raw, vegan and vegetarian diets. But they did not seem to help the way I thought they would.
What I loved most about The Whole Health Project was the fact that we were tuning in to what my body needed to heal itself. Now I have all the tools I need and I'm not confused by all the contradictory information I've picked up over the years from my own research.
What I loved most about working with Erin Thole was that she really knows her stuff. She had a highly informed answer for every question and her enthusiasm about health and wellness was refreshing.
Because of The Whole Health Project I was able to say good bye to:
an inability to lose weight
mood swings
food cravings
digestive distress.
My life and health are in a better place today because Erin Thole and The Whole Health Project has taken the guesswork out of how to nourish myself.
If you're not feeling well and you're trying various things to give some relief but it's not working then having Erin's help will get you on the right path. It was a game changer for me and I'm forever grateful.
A testimonial from Linda M.
Before The Whole Health Project I was struggling because I was already doing everything I knew to help my digestion and body and I was losing ground and looking and feeling worse.
I had tried various supplement regiments recommended to me by various other practitioners I had visited and various diets like: the blood type diet, a 4 day food rotation diet that was based off of a food panel I had done years ago and food combining.
What I loved most about The Whole Health Project and working with Erin Thole was that I felt supported and guided, she was always looking out for me. I loved working with Erin because of her endless enthusiasm and resourcefulness.
With The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole I was able to say good bye to:
poor sleep
mood swings
joint and muscle pain
gall bladder issues
a constant fear of what would happen if I ate a food that didn’t agree with me on any non-specific day.
My life is better because of The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole because I now have confidence that there are solutions for what comes up, there is a knowledgeable human being who cares and can be dedicated and I can prioritize myself and help others while doing so.
If you are wondering if The Whole Health Project is right for you I would say that it really helps to get all the information and support together and get going on all that is necessary and finally move forward happily, confidently and healthily! Join The Whole Health Project!
A testimonial from Sarah M.
Before I joined The Whole Health Project I was always tired and sick. I had no energy and I ached all the time and I just did not feel “right.”
I had been on prescription drugs and many over the counter medications and nothing helped and often times I just felt worse. I often took painkillers for my aches and pains and I was on antibiotics every time about every two months for reoccurring sinus infections. I took horrible care of myself.
What I loved most about The Whole Health Project was that it started from scratch. I had no idea how to take care of myself or what my body needed. Through TWHP I was able to figure that all out. We did lots of hormonal tests and an extensive food sensitivity panel and a very in depth health history report. Erin looked at the whole body and how everything was related to figure out the root cause of my symptoms, she didn’t address it just piece by piece as individual, unrelated problems.
What I love most about working with Erin Thole is that she is fun even when she is serious. And she really cares about your success. And she knows her stuff! I mean, she really, REALLY knows it!!!!!
With Erin Thole and The Whole Health Project I was able to say good bye to:
digestive distress
major food cravings
excess weight
constant soreness
muscle aches and pains.
Because of The Whole Health Project I am much more aware of what food does to my body. I used to feel awful all the time but I thought that was normal. Now I know it is not normal and when I feel awful it is because I stopped taking care of myself. The most important thing is that I learned to listen to my body.
If you are wondering if The Whole Health Project is worth the investment I would say it absolutely is. I feel so much better and I have learned to listen to my body and understand what the signals it is sending me mean. I had years of bad habits and bad eating to fix. But I know how now. And that is totally worth it.
A testimonial from Brandon J.
Prior to joining The Beast Mode Method I struggled because I was dealing with digestive and overall health issues that I felt would never go away. My mood was that of helplessness and I was becoming complacent with my daily problems. I went to multiple doctors over the span of 8 years that continued to prescribe drugs for my digestive issues. While trying to convince myself that these drugs were helping, I was increasingly becoming frustrated as the reality set in that I was not getting better. I was stuck in a rut and lost my ambition to get out. I was constantly stressed and felt the energy draining from my body.
I had tried so many things to try to get my digestive and other health concerns under control like: protein powders, supplements, prescription drugs, increasing and decreasing my WODs and recovery supplements.
What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was it gave me a jump start on a new way of living. The best part of my experience was learning how different foods interact with my body. It helped me visualize how my digestive system was working based on what I ate. I was more in tune with my body and how it worked. Erin was able to develop a diet specifically for me based on my food sensitivities. The results were nothing less than amazing. Within a few weeks, I could already feel the difference. I was sleeping better, my energy levels were constant throughout the day and my stress had decreased significantly. The Beast Mode Method offers simple solutions with a significant impact. I now live a healthier life without making huge sacrifices.
Erin is extremely easy to talk to. She took the time to listen to me and understand my unique issues. I loved that she didn’t try to change me over night and spent time working the program around my life. When the program was finished, Erin made sure that I was comfortable moving forward on my own and gave me plenty of resources for help. I know that if I need any advice, I can always contact her.
Because of The Beast Mode Method I was able to say good bye to: bloating, fatigue, an inability to gain muscle and strength and improve at the box, multiple serious digestive issues, mood swings and poor sleep.
I am now a beast at the box because The Beast Mode Method has helped me feel better in my own body than I have in years. I can now see the results of my work in the box more quickly and I feel great after a WOD. I was tired of feeling like I was only maintaining my body and never able to achieve higher goals. The Beast Mode Method has given me more confidence to achieve those goals I never thought would be reachable.
The Beast Mode Method is definitely worth the investment. It’s not about just fixing the immediate problem; it’s about helping you to be a healthier person for the rest of your life. The knowledge you gain will not only help you but also those that you are close to you. It’s an investment that will repay itself for years.
A testimonial from Chris L.
I was overweight and had difficulty losing weight. I lacked energy. I was tired and had difficulty sleeping at night. I was starting to have more problems with my GERD, which I have had 20+ years.
I had tried protein powders, various weight loss programs and pills, increasing my WODs and various supplements that I thought I needed.
What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was discovering what foods truly fuel my body, my temple.
I loved working with Erin because she is awesome!. She has walked in our shoes. She let me know that it is ok to fail and that it is ok to have your meltdowns. Take a few minutes then get over it!
With The Beast Mode Method I was able to say good bye to the following symptoms: bloating, ache reflux, fatigue, inability to lose weight, inability to gain muscle and tone, skin issues, digestive issues, food cravings, mood swings, poor sleep and muscle cramps.
Because of The Beast Mode Method I have more energy. I feel like I attack the WOD with more intensity and that I can push through to the end. I also feel like I recover quicker. I am now a beast at the box!
If you are wondering if this is the program for you I would say if you are committed and willing to embark on a journey to discover a new you- DO IT! It is not easy. But nothing worth doing ever is. It has probably been the most difficult step in life I have taken thus far but the journey has been amazing. I have lost belly fat that I have been trying to lose the last 15+ years. I have muscles that are defined that I did not know existed. I have more energy. I am no longer a nap-a-holic. I actually sleep at night and I wake up feeling rested. GO FOR IT!
A testimonial from Courtney S.
In my late 20s, I began to gain body fat. It seemed no matter how clean I ate and how much I worked out, the extra fat wasn't going away, and was even increasing! As the weight increased, I began to notice cellulite on my thighs and stomach. I was unhappy and beginning to feel that, at 30, my days of short shorts and bikinis were behind me.
I love The Beast Mode Method because it was a new way to look at diet and exercise. I discovered how hormones and food sensitivities play a major role in how the body functions. Armed with new information, I was able to lose body fat, gain strength and be happy with myself again!
I loved working with Erin because she is very responsive, highly informed and professional. She made me feel comfortable and kept me positive. With her help and The Beast Mode Method I was able to say good-bye to stubborn fat, digestive issues, mood swings and food cravings. I have also improved my WOD times and I've PR'd many lifts and gymnastics movements. I'm constantly leading the box in my performance and many fellow members have noticed how lean I’ve become!
The Beast Mode Method was more than worth my time and money. I am so happy I committed to the program and only wish I had made that decision sooner!
A testimonial from Cristine V.
Before I began working with Erin and The Beast Mode Method the brutal truth of my struggle was my fear of giving up the "good" food. I was so use to the comfort food and, of course, the beer. Deep inside I wanted to change into a healthier lifestyle, but fear got the best of me for a long time and kept delaying the journey.
Before I began working with Erin I had tried many different diets, like Paleo, and weight loss pills and various supplements.
What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was, first and foremost, the fact that it works, it's designed differently for each client based on what my body needs. The results I got back was made specifically to fit my journey, so it felt like that "special meal plan" except I'm the chef.
What I loved most about working with Erin is that she is optimistic and super supportive! She knows everyone has off days and will allow a couple of "you're human" days, then gets you back on track. Erin knows exactly how far to push you, even when reaching your limit, she still gives a little nudge because she believes in you and knows you can do it when you think you can't. She's always there to answer any questions and/or concerns you may have. Even though I was putting in the work, I thank Erin for the other hard part: being apart of the journey, the support system, guiding to the correct way of a healthier life!
Through The Beast Mode Method I was able to say good bye to: bloating, fatigue, excess weight, skin issues, digestive issues, mood swings, food cravings, poor sleep, joint pain, constant soreness and chronic injuries. I was able to gain strength and muscle I have never had before and I am now making huge improvements in my performance at the box.
I am now a beast at the box, and in life, because I feel like I can take on the world! The Beast Mode Method helped kick up my energy 100%! It helped me to be faster and stronger. My endurance has improved by a million times over and lifting heavy feels a lot smoother.
If you are wondering if The Beast Mode Method is worth the investment I would say, “hell yeah!” Many people are taken notice of the positive changes in me and have been asking what I did differently, I tell them my eating. They ask what do I eat and I told them long story short, I started working with a practitioner who put together a program based around what my body needs. I had some labs done to see what food I am sensitive to and cut those bad boys out from my diet.
A testimonial from Heather J.
Before finding The Beast Mode Method I could not lose fat, my endurance was nonexistent and I had plateaued on all my lifts. I was so frustrated because I was working my butt off and not getting anywhere!
I tried Paleo, protein powders, going to the box more and adding in more cardio. What I love most about The Beast Mode Method was the fact that the entire program was designed specifically for my body, my lab results, my needs and my goals.
What I loved most about working with Erin “The Beast” was her passion for her clients and their success. I love that she tailors the program to the individual to ensure compliance and positive results.
Because I worked with Erin I was able to say bu-bye to fatigue, excess body fat, mood swings, bad sleep, heart palpitations and always being cold. I have also made leaps and bounds with my strength and endurance, have gained muscle and tone and I am much more confident!
The Beast Mode Method is definitely worth the investment! You have no idea how much you can accomplish when you are given the right tools for your body and goals!
A testimonial from Abigail M.
I was always exhausted even though I slept 8-9 hours every night. I never felt a boost of energy at the Box, and working out was draining. I was not able to lose much weight around my midsection nor gain muscle tone. In fact, there were times when I gained weight even though I was going to the Box frequently. I was constantly operating at high stress levels.
I tried Paleo, protein powders and increasing my WODs and nothing helped!
What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was that it is different and it works! I understand what foods work best for me and make me feel good. I embrace the fact that food intolerances do not have to be forever. I am healing my body from years of eating with no regard to what I was putting in my mouth.
What I loved most about working with Erin “The Beast” was that she believed in me. When I felt discouraged she would pull me out of it and get me back on track. She is proud of my accomplishments and helped me to find my true self and get over fear.
Because of The Beast Mode Method I have said good-bye to bloating, fatigue, excess body fat, digestive issues, mood swings and an inability to gain muscle. I am now making regular PR’s at the Box. It’s simple, yet profound. The Beast Mode Method is definitely worth the investment! Do the work!
A testimonial from Kristen N.
I thought I was eating healthy, but I didn’t see much in the way of results. I was extremely frustrated because I was following the recommendations of Paleo and clean eating to the letter. Surely I should see some changes!
What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was the fact that it is very clear cut once your specific problems are identified. The tests were quick and painless and all I had to do was eat the healthy foods my body craved as defined by my food sensitivity panel and hormonal panel results. So simple.
Erin is very enthusiastic and encouraging without being overbearing and she always had answers to my questions no matter how crazy they seemed.
With Erin the Beast and The Beast Mode Method I said good bye to bloating, fatigue, body fat, digestive issues and constant soreness.
Although I will never be a “Games Level Athlete” I AM a beast at the box! I’m an example of how individualized nutrition is the absolute foundation to improving all CrossFit skills no matter what your ability level.
You cannot put a price on how life changing this has been for me.
A testimonial from Kristi W.
I was having a lot of stomachaches and headaches throughout the day, and I was often very tired. I was having trouble eating what was best for me. I'm really busy during the days so I was often skipping meals or just snacking until dinner, and then eating fairly unhealthy things in the evening. I had a really hard time saying no to my sweet tooth.
I enjoyed Crossfit but felt like I wasn't living up to my potential. I felt weaker than others and got my butt kicked by workouts fairly often! I knew quite a bit about how to eat healthy but I was having trouble really implementing it into my life.
I enjoyed the amount of topics that we covered in The Beast Mode Method. I especially liked doing all the food and hormonal panels. I feel like those were big keys in helping me to understand what my body needed. I also enjoyed that the program lasted a few months because I was able to work with Erin and troubleshoot throughout the process. I think if I had just gotten the results of those tests and tried to improve my health on my own, I wouldn't have been nearly as successful. But because I was able to have Erin walk me through the process week by week, I was able to make true changes in my life. Erin really knowledgeable and easy to talk to. I always looked forward to our phone conversations and felt like I got a lot out of our conversations. She was always willing to help, come up with new ideas, and answer my questions. It felt like she put a lot of effort into researching and understanding everything I was going through.
Through The Beast Mode Method I was able to say good bye to: fatigue, digestive issues, food cravings and mood swings. I have improved greatly in my endurance and I have completed two competitions since starting The Beast Mode Method and have felt great at both of them. I got my first bar muscle up! I've improved at every lift I've tried. My back squat max had not gone up in about 10 months, and then it went up by 15 pounds! I actually enjoy workouts and I feel much more confident about my abilities.
I'm glad I worked with Erin and The Beast Mode Method because I learned things about myself and my body that I will use for the rest of my life. I feel great, and for me, that's worth a lot.
A testimonial from Mark C.
I'm confident there is significant benefit to be found from Erin by every single person on the planet, from athletes in top competitive form to couch potatoes. Erin combines nutrition, science, and active listening with an awareness and supportive foundation that is truly a gift.
A few months ago my wife Sarah, a non-CrossFitter, and I decided to invest in Erin's programming together and tackle it as a team. It's very different than anything we've ever encountered. Sarah and I have both tried many forms of nutritional change, but nothing quite as complete and comprehensive as what Erin offers. The fact that it is 3 month program is very important, it allows for realizing meaningful change over time from physical, emotional, psychological and habit forming perspectives. Furthermore, the longer duration plays no small part in resetting your mind and preparing you to implement and become the positive long term lifestyle change you envision in your mind.
Prior to joining The Beast Mode Method I struggled with mood swings, fatigue, poor sleep, unexplained anger and over reactions, reoccurring Charlie horses and muscle spasms, anxiety and depression, poor stress management, quitting smoking, poor food choices and an inability to lose weight.
In three months I've returned to physical fitness I haven't experienced in over a decade. I've lost about twenty pounds. My emotional health has returned and stress levels are reaching an even plateau that I didn't know was possible.
I recently ran the Houston marathon with no training other than CrossFit; as I did last year as well, but this year I knocked off nearly an hour from my finish time! I'm hitting 10-20 pound + PRs with my lifts. I've realized and become able to control triggers in my personal life that would otherwise lead me to missing on some very fundamental and important goals.
I'll leave my wife's good words for Erin to her, but I can say she has transformed over the past few months as well. She shrinks visibly every day. I am so proud of her. In many ways she is far outperforming me. More than the joy I get from achieving my goals, I sit in wonder at how fantastic my wife is doing, the progress she's been able to make with Erin's guidance.
What I have accomplish simply would not have been possible without Erin and The Beast Mode Method. It is staggering, the amount of knowledge Erin possesses when it comes to helping people achieve great things in overall health, nutrition and wellbeing. In Erin I have found such a great coach and friend that is so supportive and honest. It is evident to me that Erin truly cares about people, not just her clients, but ... especially her clients. Erin has won a special place in the hearts of myself and my wife. We feel so fortunate to have found her. I encourage you to share in our good fortune and reach out to her. Go find your inner beast! Thank you Erin!
A testimonial from Michael D.
I was unable to lose body fat around my mid-section. I couldn’t do WODs as RX and I was tapped-out half-way through the WOD. I had tried: Paleo, The Zone, protein powders, recovery drinks, muscle building supplements, fat loss supplements, increasing my WODs and decreasing my WODs- nothing was working!
What I liked most about working with Erin and The Beast Mode Method was that by identifying the foods that were inflammatory to my body and addressing my hormone deficiencies that were restricting my progress at the box and fixing these; I was able to progress to reach my goals. I have gained 12 pounds of lean muscle while losing 4 pounds of fat!
Erin’s personalized attention and focus helped me attain my goals. Through The Beast Mode Method I was able to get rid of: fatigue, bloat, fat, chronic injuries and the frustrating pattern of not making gains at the Box.
Because of my journey through The Beast Mode Method I am now doing 80-90% of my WODs as RX and I am able to lift heavier!
If people are wondering if investing in The Beast Mode Method is worth it I would say- Yes, most definitely!
A Testimonial from Shana B.
I had a very hard time losing weight, no matter how hard I worked out and ate "right". I was always tired and at times depressed because I had these uncontrollable cravings for junk food. I couldn't figure out why I didn't have the "willpower" to not succumb to them. It was very defeating and I was about ready to give up.
I had tried sticking to a Paleo diet, protein powders, various weight loss programs and supplements and getting in more workouts. None of this did the trick.
What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was ERIN!!! It was so wonderful to hear someone tell me that a lot of the things I was dealing with were not necessarily things I could control in my current state. She gave me scientific reasons for a lot of the feelings and symptoms I had been having. That coupled with the hormone panels, food sensitivity panel and other tests she ran, shone a huge light on why I was having the issues I was having and even better, there was an easy fix!! It was also very helpful, that she was very familiar with my plight and could relate.
What I loved most about working with Erin was that she answered any and all questions I had, and quickly! She is a never-ending supply of information and she is very knowledgeable in so many areas of health and nutrition. Any question I had she was able to not only give me an answer to, but also an explanation of the hows and whys. I always felt like she definitely had my best interest at heart and made sure every product/supplement was the best quality and also the best choice for my situation. I am not exaggerating when I say that I was at a very low point in regards to my diet/self-confidence and she not only let me know it doesn't have to be that way, but gave me the tools I needed to feel better.
Through The Beast Mode Method I was able to get rid of: bloat, excess fat, fatigue, food cravings, mood swings, joint pain and constant soreness. I was able to gain strength and better sleep.
I am now a beast at the box because I’m less sluggish, my mind is clear (previously I always felt "in a fog"). I am gaining strength and endurance and flexibility. I am keeping up with and sometimes surpassing my peers at the box. But, most importantly, I am enjoying the feeling of working out, without it feeling like a "workout". It's just fun. Like play time for me, because I'm not as stiff or tired and seem to have extra energy to "bounce" through my WODs.
If you are wondering if The Beast Mode Method is worth the investment I would say a resounding YES!! I cannot tell you how grateful I am that I came across Erin. I considered myself fairly educated on healthy, clean eating and even though I was seemingly doing the "right" thing, it wasn't the right thing for me individually. All the testing, and again, her vast knowledge, made all the difference for me. I never once felt like just any client. Each time I spoke with her, she knew exactly what was what in reference to my issues. I never felt like I was "put in a certain box, so I would receive this plan". I always knew she paid individual attention to me. On top of all that, there was a ton of bonus information and material that made it a perfect whole body and mind program.
A million Thank You Erin!!! <3
A Testimonial from Sonia T.
Before I joined The Beast Mode Method I struggled because was having difficulty staying energized in the afternoon right when my kids would get home from school. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and go to sleep. I wasn't working out at all and felt so much confusion on what I should actually be cooking for my family.
I had tried many different things to help pull me out of this rut like: going paleo, various recovery supplements, weight loss programs and pills, various supplements, decreasing and increasing my WODs.
What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method is that my energy level improved very quickly!
What I loved most about working with Erin was that she was so easy to talk to and I felt like she really cared. She would spend extra time after a phone call if needed to help me resolve any issue I was having.
With The Beast Mode Method and Erin the Beast I was able to say good bye to the following symptoms: bloating, inability to gain muscle and tone, fatigue, digestive issues, mood swings and food cravings.
I am a beast at the box now because I know I can tackle any workout that comes my way!
If anyone is wondering if The Beast Mode Method is worth the investment I would tell the ABSOLUTELY!!!
A testimonial from Tony R.
Prior to joining The Beast Mode Method I struggled because I weighed over 340 pounds, had diabetes, poor sleep, chronic pain, inflammation and tightness. I was fatigued all the time and my health was suffering greatly.
I had tried the Paleo Diet, weight loss supplements, protein shakes, muscle building supplements and other weight loss programs and pills. Nothing seemed to stick or work right for me.
What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was that it was designed just for me. I now have more energy than ever before and my mind is sharp and clear. I have struggled for 4 years with keeping up with those who were really fast in the workout. Just this past week I have beaten those who used to lap me in the workouts in the Masters! My energy just keeps going up, up, up and I finish my WODs strong. I walk around a lot at my job and co-workers are now struggling to keep up with my energy.
I have lost about 40 pounds in 3 months and gotten off some medications by eating the foods that my body likes, avoiding my sensitivities and following Erin’s recommendations. I love my new lifestyle, the food, and I will never go back to how I was eating before because I feel so amazing!
With The Beast Mode Method I was able to get rid of: bloating, fatigue, weight, poor sleep, digestive issues, an inability to gain muscle and slow improvements at the box.
If someone is wondering if The Beast Mode Method is worth the investment I would say “Just look at me!” I have lost weight and my eating healthy plan has created a new me. The tests and information Erin gives you will open your eyes and you will begin to see a new lifestyle for yourself. I’m going after 220 pounds!
Going through The Beast Mode Method and having such great success has been my greatest achievement in a long time. I've been praying for a long time for God to heal me from the inside out and I feel like that prayer was answered when He sent me to Erin.
A Testimonial from Dovie C.
I was generally feeling run down, I was taking an allergy pill every day to avoid general overall itchyness, and my system was generally sluggish. I had also gained ~40 pounds since getting married, after having lost ~100 lbs about 10 years ago. I was frustrated, and felt stuck.
I had gotten back into exercise: I trained for and ran a half-marathon, I started Pilates in a private studio...and I felt stronger but I was not losing weight or feeling any better.
I loved the Whole Health Project because Erin tests all sorts of things and helped me to understand the results which really flipped a switch in my mind. It all came together to help me see what my diet - which was not "bad" per se, but which was full of foods I was allergic to and other things that compounded my food allergy issues - was doing to my body and overall health.
I realized that making changes for the sake of my health - armed with real science-based evidence - gave me the WILL to make the significant changes I needed to make. I've lost over 50 lbs and I'm still losing. I'm not trying to lose weight, per se. Most of it came off quickly as I eliminated inflammatory foods and reset my overall eating plan.
Erin is to-the-point and doesn't pull any punches. I knew there was no way I could BS her, and even when I tried, she always forced me to take a good look in the mirror...without shaming me at all. She was encouraging and practical...and challenging. Exactly what I needed!
With Erin’s help I was able to get rid of:
Inability to lose weight
Skin issues
Poor sleeping habits
Digestive issues (please list all past issues)
Mood swings
I'm aware of how my no-no foods affect my body, and I've learned how to substitute and work within my boundaries. I still LOVE everything I eat. I'm back to living into my core belief that food is fuel (not entertainment) AND I'm still eating things I LOVE.
The Whole Health Project is absolutely worth it. I was feeling so bad and the investment actually helped my level of commitment to the program.
A testimonial from Mike D.
I had been struggling with sinus and asthma for the past 2 years. I have a sinus disease which has led to extreme inflammation in sinus cavities and lungs. I have been on prednisone for the past 2 years to help control the inflammation.
I recently found out that I am sensitive to certain foods and spices which have contributed to the problems I have been experiencing.
This project has helped me get back control of my health. I have learned how eating the right foods combined with exercise can completely transform how a person feels, both mentally and physically. I have also learned that there are alternatives to over the counter medicines and prescription drugs that are much better for you and provide the same effect on your body.
Erin has been a great teacher and life coach. Erin is very knowledgeable about the human body, health and diseases. Her enthusiasm, patience and experience has made my experience a very enjoyable one.
Because of The Whole Health Project I was able to say good bye to: excess weight, bloating, food cravings, poor sleep, digestive issues, mood swings, the inability to gain muscle and strength and joint and muscle pain.
I had also experience a lot of inflammation from the sinus disease and asthma. By eating the right foods recommended by Erin, over the past 3 months, the inflammation has decreased tremendously which has made my asthma go away.
I am a healthier person today because of the The Whole Health Project. I have lost 40 pounds since in the past 3 months and all of my health issues have improved dramatically, my emotional state has improved, sex life has come back....I am just a whole new person.
If you are considering working with Erin I would tell you to give it a try. It will change your life completely.