Falene P.

I had Leaky Gut Syndrome and weight gain and I couldn't find a doctor or a solution that allowed me to get healthy and everyone just wanted to give me medications to cover symptoms and not fix my actual health problems.

I had tried many different things including: prescription drugs, over the counter drugs, supplements and various diets to try to alleviate my health conditions on my own.

What I love most about The Whole Health Project is that it is tailored to you and your specific needs and wants.

What I loved most about working with Erin Thole is that she is there for you whenever you need her! She's got tons of ideas when things don't seem to be straight forward and she introduces you to lots of resources and knowledge. She brought together various aspects I had a hard time connecting on my own.

With The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole I was able to say good bye to:

  • bloating

  • excess weight

  • skin issues

  • poor sleep

  • food cravings

  • fatigue

  • digestive issues.

My life and health are better today because of The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole because I feel like I have the tools I need to accomplish my heath goals.

If you've been frustrated with not getting results from the medical world and you don't just want to take a prescription to hide your symptoms then this is the program for you! The Whole Health Project educates you with resources to heal yourself by eating right and listening to your body.