Sally R.

I began working with a naturopathic doctor about three years ago, and after that I  was under the care of a functional medicine MD, but I was frustrated with my  progress. Then I met Erin Thole. I knew from the moment that I began talking  with her, she was in a completely different league from the other doctors. She  listened to me, cared about me, and gave me expert advice.

After running tests and adjusting some supplements that I was taking, I feel like I am finally on  the road toward optimal health.

Erin is extremely knowledgeable, and her advice is solid. She is readily assessable and her compassion is obvious; you can tell she truly cares about her patients. I feel like we are a team, working together  to make the healthiest version of me that we can. I feel blessed to have found  Erin!  

Falene P.

I had Leaky Gut Syndrome and weight gain and I couldn't find a doctor or a solution that allowed me to get healthy and everyone just wanted to give me medications to cover symptoms and not fix my actual health problems.

I had tried many different things including: prescription drugs, over the counter drugs, supplements and various diets to try to alleviate my health conditions on my own.

What I love most about The Whole Health Project is that it is tailored to you and your specific needs and wants.

What I loved most about working with Erin Thole is that she is there for you whenever you need her! She's got tons of ideas when things don't seem to be straight forward and she introduces you to lots of resources and knowledge. She brought together various aspects I had a hard time connecting on my own.

With The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole I was able to say good bye to:

  • bloating

  • excess weight

  • skin issues

  • poor sleep

  • food cravings

  • fatigue

  • digestive issues.

My life and health are better today because of The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole because I feel like I have the tools I need to accomplish my heath goals.

If you've been frustrated with not getting results from the medical world and you don't just want to take a prescription to hide your symptoms then this is the program for you! The Whole Health Project educates you with resources to heal yourself by eating right and listening to your body.

Linda M.

Before The Whole Health Project I was struggling because I was already doing everything I knew to help my digestion and body and I was losing ground and looking and feeling worse.

I had tried various supplement regiments recommended to me by various other practitioners I had visited and various diets like: the blood type diet, a 4 day food rotation diet that was based off of a food panel I had done years ago and food combining.

What I loved most about The Whole Health Project and working with Erin Thole was that I felt supported and guided, she was always looking out for me. I loved working with Erin because of her endless enthusiasm and resourcefulness.

With The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole I was able to say good bye to:

  • bloating

  • fatigue

  • poor sleep

  • mood swings

  • joint and muscle pain

  • gas

  • constipation

  • gall bladder issues

  • a constant fear of what would happen if I ate a food that didn’t agree with me on any non-specific day.

My life is better because of The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole because I now have confidence that there are solutions for what comes up, there is a knowledgeable human being who cares and can be dedicated and I can prioritize myself and help others while doing so.

If you are wondering if The Whole Health Project is right for you I would say that it really helps to get all the information and support together and get going on all that is necessary and finally move forward happily, confidently and healthily! Join The Whole Health Project! 

Courtney S.

In my late 20s, I began to gain body fat. It seemed no matter how clean I ate and how much I worked out, the extra fat wasn't going away, and was even increasing!  As the weight increased, I began to notice cellulite on my thighs and stomach. I was unhappy and beginning to feel that, at 30, my days of short shorts and bikinis were behind me.

I love The Beast Mode Method because it was a new way to look at diet and exercise. I discovered how hormones and food sensitivities play a major role in how the body functions. Armed with new information, I was able to lose body fat, gain strength and be happy with myself again!

I loved working with Erin because she is very responsive, highly informed and professional. She made me feel comfortable and kept me positive. With her help and The Beast Mode Method I was able to say good-bye to stubborn fat, digestive issues, mood swings and food cravings.  I have also improved my WOD times and I've PR'd many lifts and gymnastics movements. I'm constantly leading the box in my performance and many fellow members have noticed how lean I’ve become!

The Beast Mode Method was more than worth my time and money. I am so happy I committed to the program and only wish I had made that decision sooner!

Chris L.

I was overweight and had difficulty losing weight. I lacked energy. I was tired and had difficulty sleeping at night. I was starting to have more problems with my GERD, which I have had 20+ years.

I had tried protein powders, various weight loss programs and pills, increasing my WODs and various supplements that I thought I needed.

What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was discovering what foods truly fuel my body, my temple.

I loved working with Erin because she is awesome!. She has walked in our shoes. She let me know that it is ok to fail and that it is ok to have your meltdowns. Take a few minutes then get over it! 

With The Beast Mode Method I was able to say good bye to the following symptoms: bloating, ache reflux, fatigue, inability to lose weight, inability to gain muscle and tone, skin issues, digestive issues, food cravings, mood swings, poor sleep and muscle cramps.

Because of The Beast Mode Method I have more energy. I feel like I attack the WOD with more intensity and that I can push through to the end. I also feel like I recover quicker. I am now a beast at the box!

If you are wondering if this is the program for you I would say if you are committed and willing to embark on a journey to discover a new you- DO IT! It is not easy. But nothing worth doing ever is. It has probably been the most difficult step in life I have taken thus far but the journey has been amazing. I have lost belly fat that I have been trying to lose the last 15+ years. I have muscles that are defined that I did not know existed. I have more energy. I am no longer a nap-a-holic. I actually sleep at night and I wake up feeling rested. GO FOR IT!

Brandon J.

Prior to joining The Beast Mode Method I struggled because I was dealing with digestive and overall health issues that I felt would never go away. My mood was that of helplessness and I was becoming complacent with my daily problems. I went to multiple doctors over the span of 8 years that continued to prescribe drugs for my digestive issues. While trying to convince myself that these drugs were helping, I was increasingly becoming frustrated as the reality set in that I was not getting better. I was stuck in a rut and lost my ambition to get out. I was constantly stressed and felt the energy draining from my body.

I had tried so many things to try to get my digestive and other health concerns under control like: protein powders, supplements, prescription drugs, increasing and decreasing my WODs and recovery supplements.

What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was it gave me a jump start on a new way of living. The best part of my experience was learning how different foods interact with my body. It helped me visualize how my digestive system was working based on what I ate. I was more in tune with my body and how it worked. Erin was able to develop a diet specifically for me based on my food sensitivities. The results were nothing less than amazing. Within a few weeks, I could already feel the difference. I was sleeping better, my energy levels were constant throughout the day and my stress had decreased significantly. The Beast Mode Method offers simple solutions with a significant impact. I now live a healthier life without making huge sacrifices.

Erin is extremely easy to talk to. She took the time to listen to me and understand my unique issues. I loved that she didn’t try to change me over night and spent time working the program around my life. When the program was finished, Erin made sure that I was comfortable moving forward on my own and gave me plenty of resources for help. I know that if I need any advice, I can always contact her.

Because of The Beast Mode Method I was able to say good bye to: bloating, fatigue, an inability to gain muscle and strength and improve at the box, multiple serious digestive issues, mood swings and poor sleep.

I am now a beast at the box because The Beast Mode Method has helped me feel better in my own body than I have in years. I can now see the results of my work in the box more quickly and I feel great after a WOD. I was tired of feeling like I was only maintaining my body and never able to achieve higher goals. The Beast Mode Method has given me more confidence to achieve those goals I never thought would be reachable.

The Beast Mode Method is definitely worth the investment. It’s not about just fixing the immediate problem; it’s about helping you to be a healthier person for the rest of your life. The knowledge you gain will not only help you but also those that you are close to you. It’s an investment that will repay itself for years.