In February 2020, my daughter and I received breast cancer diagnoses just 5 days apart, after routine mammogram screenings. Genetic testing did not reveal any inherited risk factors. My cancer was lobular and my daughter’s was ductile.
As the pandemic was looming and healthcare for other than covid-19 related illness was becoming limited, I searched for alternative therapies. I immediately called Erin Thole to explore what we could each do to complement any traditional medical approaches to breast cancer.
Erin recommended several tests to determine the status of cellular and system functioning in my body. She recommended dietary changes and supplements. I chose to eat a mostly plant based diet since my diagnosis. Erin also recommended various stress management techniques. I lost weight easily, without sacrifice.
I did elect to have the small cancerous tumor removed on March 25, one day prior to elective surgery shut-down in Texas. I had no identified lymph node involvement. Unfortunately, the surgeon did not place a drain in the wound. A rather large hematoma formed in my breast, which could not be treated “virtually”. At an in-person appointment 2 weeks later, the surgeon drained the hematoma and eventually placed a drain for several more days, but not before a capsule had formed, leaving a lump of tissue in the breast. Although chemotherapy is not useful in treating lobular cancer, the surgeon did recommend radiation. The Radiologist stated that I would need to wait until the capsule of tissue was “absorbed” through normal body processes prior to radiation. Erin offered a number of therapies for aiding this natural process.
After several appointments, I elected not to have radiation. I am now 1 year cancer free without radiation or aromatase inhibitors, according to MRI and exam. All of my lab values are within normal limits.
I credit Erin and her recommended therapies and supplements which have supported by body to function as it was intended to do….to heal itself. I will continue to follow her recommendations and will also keep my twice a year follow-up traditional medicine appointments to confirm our success!