Sabra L.

I was vegan, and was health conscious so I didn't understand why I wasn't feeling as good as I should according to my lifestyle and everything that I knew about health and nutrition. I was tired, bloated and having digestive issues and had a history of anxiety.

I had tried raw, vegan and vegetarian diets. But they did not seem to help the way I thought they would.

What I loved most about The Whole Health Project was the fact that we were tuning in to what my body needed to heal itself. Now I have all the tools I need and I'm not confused by all the contradictory information I've picked up over the years from my own research.

What I loved most about working with Erin Thole was that she really knows her stuff. She had a highly informed answer for every question and her enthusiasm about health and wellness was refreshing.

Because of The Whole Health Project I was able to say good bye to:

  • bloating

  •  an inability to lose weight

  • mood swings

  • fatigue

  • food cravings

  • digestive distress.

My life and health are in a better place today because Erin Thole and The Whole Health Project has taken the guesswork out of how to nourish myself.

If you're not feeling well and you're trying various things to give some relief but it's not working then having Erin's help will get you on the right path. It was a game changer for me and I'm forever grateful.



Sarah M.

Before I joined The Whole Health Project I was always tired and sick. I had no energy and I ached all the time and I just did not feel “right.”

I had been on prescription drugs and many over the counter medications and nothing helped and often times I just felt worse. I often took painkillers for my aches and pains and I was on antibiotics every time about every two months for reoccurring sinus infections. I took horrible care of myself.

What I loved most about The Whole Health Project was that it started from scratch. I had no idea how to take care of myself or what my body needed. Through TWHP I was able to figure that all out. We did lots of hormonal tests and an extensive food sensitivity panel and a very in depth health history report. Erin looked at the whole body and how everything was related to figure out the root cause of my symptoms, she didn’t address it just piece by piece as individual, unrelated problems.

What I love most about working with Erin Thole is that she is fun even when she is serious. And she really cares about your success. And she knows her stuff! I mean, she really, REALLY knows it!!!!!

With Erin Thole and The Whole Health Project I was able to say good bye to:

  • bloating

  • digestive distress

  • major food cravings

  • excess weight

  • fatigue

  • constant soreness

  • muscle aches and pains.

Because of The Whole Health Project I am much more aware of what food does to my body. I used to feel awful all the time but I thought that was normal. Now I know it is not normal and when I feel awful it is because I stopped taking care of myself. The most important thing is that I learned to listen to my body.

If you are wondering if The Whole Health Project is worth the investment I would say it absolutely is. I feel so much better and I have learned to listen to my body and understand what the signals it is sending me mean. I had years of bad habits and bad eating to fix. But I know how now. And that is totally worth it.

Linda M.

Before The Whole Health Project I was struggling because I was already doing everything I knew to help my digestion and body and I was losing ground and looking and feeling worse.

I had tried various supplement regiments recommended to me by various other practitioners I had visited and various diets like: the blood type diet, a 4 day food rotation diet that was based off of a food panel I had done years ago and food combining.

What I loved most about The Whole Health Project and working with Erin Thole was that I felt supported and guided, she was always looking out for me. I loved working with Erin because of her endless enthusiasm and resourcefulness.

With The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole I was able to say good bye to:

  • bloating

  • fatigue

  • poor sleep

  • mood swings

  • joint and muscle pain

  • gas

  • constipation

  • gall bladder issues

  • a constant fear of what would happen if I ate a food that didn’t agree with me on any non-specific day.

My life is better because of The Whole Health Project and Erin Thole because I now have confidence that there are solutions for what comes up, there is a knowledgeable human being who cares and can be dedicated and I can prioritize myself and help others while doing so.

If you are wondering if The Whole Health Project is right for you I would say that it really helps to get all the information and support together and get going on all that is necessary and finally move forward happily, confidently and healthily! Join The Whole Health Project! 

Tony R.

Prior to joining The Beast Mode Method I struggled because I weighed over 340 pounds, had diabetes, poor sleep, chronic pain, inflammation and tightness. I was fatigued all the time and my health was suffering greatly.

I had tried the Paleo Diet, weight loss supplements, protein shakes, muscle building supplements and other weight loss programs and pills. Nothing seemed to stick or work right for me.

What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was that it was designed just for me. I now have more energy than ever before and my mind is sharp and clear. I have struggled for 4 years with keeping up with those who were really fast in the workout. Just this past week I have beaten those who used to lap me in the workouts in the Masters! My energy just keeps going up, up, up and I finish my WODs strong. I walk around a lot at my job and co-workers are now struggling to keep up with my energy.

I have lost about 40 pounds in 3 months and gotten off some medications by eating the foods that my body likes, avoiding my sensitivities and following Erin’s recommendations. I love my new lifestyle, the food, and I will never go back to how I was eating before because I feel so amazing!  

With The Beast Mode Method I was able to get rid of: bloating, fatigue, weight, poor sleep, digestive issues, an inability to gain muscle and slow improvements at the box.

If someone is wondering if The Beast Mode Method is worth the investment I would say “Just look at me!” I have lost weight and my eating healthy plan has created a new me. The tests and information Erin gives you will open your eyes and you will begin to see a new lifestyle for yourself. I’m going after 220 pounds!

Going through The Beast Mode Method and having such great success has been my greatest achievement in a long time. I've been praying for a long time for God to heal me from the inside out and I feel like that prayer was answered when He sent me to Erin.

Sonia T.

Before I joined The Beast Mode Method I struggled because was having difficulty staying energized in the afternoon right when my kids would get home from school. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and go to sleep. I wasn't working out at all and felt so much confusion on what I should actually be cooking for my family.

I had tried many different things to help pull me out of this rut like: going paleo, various recovery supplements, weight loss programs and pills, various supplements, decreasing and increasing my WODs.

What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method is that my energy level improved very quickly!

What I loved most about working with Erin was that she was so easy to talk to and I felt like she really cared. She would spend extra time after a phone call if needed to help me resolve any issue I was having.

With The Beast Mode Method and Erin the Beast I was able to say good bye to the following symptoms: bloating, inability to gain muscle and tone, fatigue, digestive issues, mood swings and food cravings.

I am a beast at the box now because I know I can tackle any workout that comes my way!

If anyone is wondering if The Beast Mode Method is worth the investment I would tell the ABSOLUTELY!!! 

Shana B.

I had a very hard time losing weight, no matter how hard I worked out and ate "right". I was always tired and at times depressed because I had these uncontrollable cravings for junk food. I couldn't figure out why I didn't have the "willpower" to not succumb to them. It was very defeating and I was about ready to give up.

I had tried sticking to a Paleo diet, protein powders, various weight loss programs and supplements and getting in more workouts. None of this did the trick.

What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was ERIN!!! It was so wonderful to hear someone tell me that a lot of the things I was dealing with were not necessarily things I could control in my current state. She gave me scientific reasons for a lot of the feelings and symptoms I had been having. That coupled with the hormone panels, food sensitivity panel and other tests she ran, shone a huge light on why I was having the issues I was having and even better, there was an easy fix!! It was also very helpful, that she was very familiar with my plight and could relate.

What I loved most about working with Erin was that she answered any and all questions I had, and quickly! She is a never-ending supply of information and she is very knowledgeable in so many areas of health and nutrition. Any question I had she was able to not only give me an answer to, but also an explanation of the hows and whys. I always felt like she definitely had my best interest at heart and made sure every product/supplement was the best quality and also the best choice for my situation. I am not exaggerating when I say that I was at a very low point in regards to my diet/self-confidence and she not only let me know it doesn't have to be that way, but gave me the tools I needed to feel better.

Through The Beast Mode Method I was able to get rid of: bloat, excess fat, fatigue, food cravings, mood swings, joint pain and constant soreness. I was able to gain strength and better sleep.

I am now a beast at the box because I’m less sluggish, my mind is clear (previously I always felt "in a fog"). I am gaining strength and endurance and flexibility. I am keeping up with and sometimes surpassing my peers at the box. But, most importantly, I am enjoying the feeling of working out, without it feeling like a "workout". It's just fun. Like play time for me, because I'm not as stiff or tired and seem to have extra energy to "bounce" through my WODs.

If you are wondering if The Beast Mode Method is worth the investment I would say a resounding YES!! I cannot tell you how grateful I am that I came across Erin. I considered myself fairly educated on healthy, clean eating and even though I was seemingly doing the "right" thing, it wasn't the right thing for me individually. All the testing, and again, her vast knowledge, made all the difference for me. I never once felt like just any client. Each time I spoke with her, she knew exactly what was what in reference to my issues. I never felt like I was "put in a certain box, so I would receive this plan". I always knew she paid individual attention to me. On top of all that, there was a ton of bonus information and material that made it a perfect whole body and mind program.

A million Thank You Erin!!! <3