Michael D.

I was unable to lose body fat around my mid-section. I couldn’t do WODs as RX and I was tapped-out half-way through the WOD. I had tried: Paleo, The Zone, protein powders, recovery drinks, muscle building supplements, fat loss supplements, increasing my WODs and decreasing my WODs- nothing was working!

What I liked most about working with Erin and The Beast Mode Method was that by identifying the foods that were inflammatory to my body and addressing my hormone deficiencies that were restricting my progress at the box and fixing these; I was able to progress to reach my goals. I have gained 12 pounds of lean muscle while losing 4 pounds of fat!

Erin’s personalized attention and focus helped me attain my goals. Through The Beast Mode Method I was able to get rid of: fatigue, bloat, fat, chronic injuries and the frustrating pattern of not making gains at the Box.

Because of my journey through The Beast Mode Method I am now doing 80-90% of my WODs as RX and I am able to lift heavier!

If people are wondering if investing in The Beast Mode Method is worth it I would say- Yes, most definitely! 

Mark C.

I'm confident there is significant benefit to be found from Erin by every single person on the planet, from athletes in top competitive form to couch potatoes. Erin combines nutrition, science, and active listening with an awareness and supportive foundation that is truly a gift.

A few months ago my wife Sarah, a non-CrossFitter, and I decided to invest in Erin's programming together and tackle it as a team. It's very different than anything we've ever encountered. Sarah and I have both tried many forms of nutritional change, but nothing quite as complete and comprehensive as what Erin offers. The fact that it is 3 month program is very important, it allows for realizing meaningful change over time from physical, emotional, psychological and habit forming perspectives. Furthermore, the longer duration plays no small part in resetting your mind and preparing you to implement and become the positive long term lifestyle change you envision in your mind.

Prior to joining The Beast Mode Method I struggled with mood swings, fatigue, poor sleep, unexplained anger and over reactions, reoccurring Charlie horses and muscle spasms, anxiety and depression, poor stress management, quitting smoking, poor food choices and an inability to lose weight.

In three months I've returned to physical fitness I haven't experienced in over a decade. I've lost about twenty pounds. My emotional health has returned and stress levels are reaching an even plateau that I didn't know was possible.

I recently ran the Houston marathon with no training other than CrossFit; as I did last year as well, but this year I knocked off nearly an hour from my finish time! I'm hitting 10-20 pound + PRs with my lifts. I've realized and become able to control triggers in my personal life that would otherwise lead me to missing on some very fundamental and important goals.

I'll leave my wife's good words for Erin to her, but I can say she has transformed over the past few months as well. She shrinks visibly every day. I am so proud of her. In many ways she is far outperforming me. More than the joy I get from achieving my goals, I sit in wonder at how fantastic my wife is doing, the progress she's been able to make with Erin's guidance.

What I have accomplish simply would not have been possible without Erin and The Beast Mode Method. It is staggering, the amount of knowledge Erin possesses when it comes to helping people achieve great things in overall health, nutrition and wellbeing. In Erin I have found such a great coach and friend that is so supportive and honest. It is evident to me that Erin truly cares about people, not just her clients, but ... especially her clients. Erin has won a special place in the hearts of myself and my wife. We feel so fortunate to have found her. I encourage you to share in our good fortune and reach out to her. Go find your inner beast! Thank you Erin!

Kristi W.

I was having a lot of stomachaches and headaches throughout the day, and I was often very tired. I was having trouble eating what was best for me. I'm really busy during the days so I was often skipping meals or just snacking until dinner, and then eating fairly unhealthy things in the evening. I had a really hard time saying no to my sweet tooth.

I enjoyed Crossfit but felt like I wasn't living up to my potential. I felt weaker than others and got my butt kicked by workouts fairly often! I knew quite a bit about how to eat healthy but I was having trouble really implementing it into my life.

I enjoyed the amount of topics that we covered in The Beast Mode Method. I especially liked doing all the food and hormonal panels. I feel like those were big keys in helping me to understand what my body needed. I also enjoyed that the program lasted a few months because I was able to work with Erin and troubleshoot throughout the process. I think if I had just gotten the results of those tests and tried to improve my health on my own, I wouldn't have been nearly as successful. But because I was able to have Erin walk me through the process week by week, I was able to make true changes in my life. Erin really knowledgeable and easy to talk to. I always looked forward to our phone conversations and felt like I got a lot out of our conversations. She was always willing to help, come up with new ideas, and answer my questions. It felt like she put a lot of effort into researching and understanding everything I was going through.

Through The Beast Mode Method I was able to say good bye to: fatigue, digestive issues, food cravings and mood swings. I have improved greatly in my endurance and I have completed two competitions since starting The Beast Mode Method and have felt great at both of them. I got my first bar muscle up! I've improved at every lift I've tried. My back squat max had not gone up in about 10 months, and then it went up by 15 pounds! I actually enjoy workouts and I feel much more confident about my abilities.  

I'm glad I worked with Erin and The Beast Mode Method because I learned things about myself and my body that I will use for the rest of my life. I feel great, and for me, that's worth a lot. 

Kristen N.

I thought I was eating healthy, but I didn’t see much in the way of results. I was extremely frustrated because I was following the recommendations of Paleo and clean eating to the letter. Surely I should see some changes!

What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was the fact that it is very clear cut once your specific problems are identified. The tests were quick and painless and all I had to do was eat the healthy foods my body craved as defined by my food sensitivity panel and hormonal panel results. So simple.

Erin is very enthusiastic and encouraging without being overbearing and she always had answers to my questions no matter how crazy they seemed.

With Erin the Beast and The Beast Mode Method I said good bye to bloating, fatigue, body fat, digestive issues and constant soreness.

Although I will never be a “Games Level Athlete” I AM a beast at the box! I’m an example of how individualized nutrition is the absolute foundation to improving all CrossFit skills no matter what your ability level.

You cannot put a price on how life changing this has been for me.Kristen 

Abigail M.

I was always exhausted even though I slept 8-9 hours every night. I never felt a boost of energy at the Box, and working out was draining. I was not able to lose much weight around my midsection nor gain muscle tone. In fact, there were times when I gained weight even though I was going to the Box frequently. I was constantly operating at high stress levels.

I tried Paleo, protein powders and increasing my WODs and nothing helped!

What I loved most about The Beast Mode Method was that it is different and it works! I understand what foods work best for me and make me feel good. I embrace the fact that food intolerances do not have to be forever. I am healing my body from years of eating with no regard to what I was putting in my mouth.

What I loved most about working with Erin “The Beast” was that she believed in me. When I felt discouraged she would pull me out of it and get me back on track. She is proud of my accomplishments and helped me to find my true self and get over fear.

Because of The Beast Mode Method I have said good-bye to bloating, fatigue, excess body fat, digestive issues, mood swings and an inability to gain muscle. I am now making regular PR’s at the Box. It’s simple, yet profound. The Beast Mode Method is definitely worth the investment! Do the work!

Heather J.

Before finding The Beast Mode Method I could not lose fat, my endurance was nonexistent and I had plateaued on all my lifts. I was so frustrated because I was working my butt off and not getting anywhere!

I tried Paleo, protein powders, going to the box more and adding in more cardio. What I love most about The Beast Mode Method was the fact that the entire program was designed specifically for my body, my lab results, my needs and my goals.

What I loved most about working with Erin “The Beast” was her passion for her clients and their success. I love that she tailors the program to the individual to ensure compliance and positive results.

Because I worked with Erin I was able to say bu-bye to fatigue, excess body fat, mood swings, bad sleep, heart palpitations and always being cold. I have also made leaps and bounds with my strength and endurance, have gained muscle and tone and I am much more confident!

The Beast Mode Method is definitely worth the investment! You have no idea how much you can accomplish when you are given the right tools for your body and goals!